Kosher and Halal Meals (Delivery in Canada 2024)

There are very many dietary restrictions that meal kit companies have to consider in order to better serve their customers. Today their clients are looking not only for regular food choices but also for vegetarian, vegan, kosher, halal, low calorie, low fat, low carb, keto, paleo, and other special diet restrictions. We created guides on vegetarian and vegan meal plans and also a review for meat-lover diets. Now we would like to see how meal kit delivery companies take into consideration kosher and halal meal prep in Canada.

In addition, we have created a list of companies that deliver kashrut and halal meals in Canada. The majority of companies will deliver ready-to-eat meals. However, ready-to-cook meal kits are also present there.

Halal meals and snacks on a table

Kosher and halal meal prep and ready-made meal delivery in Canada

There are not many meal kit companies with kosher meal plans or pre-portioned halal meals in Canada. However, there are other options, such as ready-to-eat subscription services and restaurants that deliver kosher or halal meals to the customers’ homes. Currently, these services are available mostly in Ontario and are very scarce in other provinces. However, as demand for kosher and halal meal prep services grows, so will the supply.

Kosher meal delivery services

CompanyKosherService and
meal types
YearCovered ProvincesDishes in menuPrice / weeklyPrice / servingPromo
Kosher box  2016globally15N/A$21-$27n/a
Savours gourmet  2016ON100$30-$110$6-$22$25 off
JR Kosher  2005ON, QC10N/A$12.50-$40n/a
Kosher Gourmet  2010ON15N/A$14-$17.55n/a
Mazon Kit  2020QC20+$109.2-184$14.17-$23.50n/a
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Ready to eat
Ready to eat
Meal kits
Ready to eat
Ready to eat
Meal kits
Meal kits
Ready to eat
All kosher
Kosher options

Cooking kosher meals at home is not always an easy task, so many people prefer to order kosher food from restaurants or supermarkets. For meal kit lovers, there is currently only one meal kit company, Kosher Box, which delivers kosher meal kits in Canada. There is also a Mazon Kit company, but they are currently in the process of gaining certification for kosher meals.

Other kosher meal delivery options include various restaurants and specialty stores with catering and delivery options. In Toronto, Ontario, these include Kosher Gourmet, Savours Gourmet, and JR Kosher. In Montreal & Quebec, there is JR Kosher and Mazon Kit. In other provinces, no kosher restaurant food delivery is available at the moment, but we hope it will become available there soon.

Halal food delivery services

CompanyHalalService and
meal types
YearCovered ProvincesDishes in menuPrice / weeklyPrice / servingPromo
Freshprep  2014BC10$55.96-$175.84$10.99-13.99$120 off 
Halal meals  2020ON50$65-$231$13-$16.1310% for referral
Halal Plates  2017ON???25% off 1st order
House cook  2020ON11$59.99-$62.95$8.99-$13.99n/a
Nuba  2006BC16N/A$14.25-$25.25n/a
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Meal kits
Ready to eat
Meal kits
Ready to eat
Ready to eat
Ready to eat
Meal kits
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Halal options

Currently, the only meal kit company that offers halal meals in a plan is Halal Plates, which is available in Ontario only. Fresh Prep has some halal meals on their menu, but no halal plans. There are multiple subscription services, such as Halal Meals and House Cook that deliver ready-to-eat halal meals to their customers in Ontario. In British Columbia, there is a Nuba restaurant that offers halal meals available for delivery in a limited area.

What is kashrut?

Food is considered kosher only if it was cooked according to kashrut. Kashrut (also kashruth or kashrus, כַּשְׁרוּת‎) is a set of Jewish dietary laws that regulate the preparation and cooking of food. These laws are numerous and complex, so we will mention only the main principles:

The benefits of ready-to-eat meal prep services are similar to those of ready-to-cook meal kit companies:
  • Only certain types of mammals, birds, and fish meet the criteria of kashrut. Such animals as swine, crayfish, crabs, lobsters, and others are forbidden, and eating their flesh is prohibited.
  • Kosher mammals should be slaughtered in a certain way, known as shechita. Animal blood is not kosher and cannot be consumed. To eliminate blood before cooking, the meat is salted and soaked in water before it is permissible to use.
  • Meat and meat products may never be mixed with milk or milk products. According to kashrut, meat and milk should be stored separately and cooked using separate equipment.

Kosher meals

Kosher meals are those that are cooked with kosher products. They may contain kosher meat, such as beef, bison, or lamb; kosher poultry, such as chicken, goose, duck, or turkey; kosher fish; and derivatives of animal products, such as gelatin. Non-animal products that were processed on equipment used to process meat are regarded as meat. Kosher meat meals cannot contain any milk products.

Kosher meals that do not contain any meat may contain dairy products, such as milk, butter, or cheese. Non-dairy products that were processed on equipment used for dairy products are also regarded as milk or milk products.

Kosher meals that contain neither meat nor milk are called pareve. These include such products as fish, eggs, grains, fruit, and produce. They are only considered pareve if they are not mixed with or cooked using the equipment previously used for meat or milk products.

Halal meals

Halal is an Arabic word that means “permissible” or “lawful” in English. This term is associated with Islamic dietary laws, especially the processing and preparation of meat according to these laws and requirements. For a meal to be halal, it must not contain alcohol of any kind. As a rule, most kosher meals that do not contain alcohol are also halal.

HelloFresh and Chefs Plate don’t have a dedicated halal meal prep plan at this stage but they do have many pork-free meals and vegetarian meal plans available, but they aren’t halal certified. They also clearly label the ingredients and allergens in their recipes.

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Similarities and differences between kosher and halal meals

While researching the subject, we have noticed certain similarities between kosher and halal food. For example, all animals permitted by kashrut are also halal, such as bovines, but pork is prohibited in both cultures. The same rules apply to fish. The sea animals that are considered kosher are also halal. These similarities would make it easier for meal kit companies to offer kosher and halal meal plans to their customers.

The main difference between kosher and halal food is that halal meals may not contain any alcohol. However, for meal kit companies, this is not an issue because they don’t offer any alcohol in their meals anyway.

Other differences between kosher and halal meals include food processing restrictions: meat and milk should be processed separately for kosher meals, but not for halal meals. Also, the list of animals prohibited by kashrut is more restrictive. Only mammals that chew the cud and have cloven hooves are kosher. Thus some animals such as the horse, camel, and rabbit are halal but not kosher. Again, for meal kit companies, that will not make much difference because they don’t offer any horse, camel, or rabbit meat anyway.

Kosher and halal food certification in Canada

How do kosher and halal observers make sure that the food they consume is actually kosher or halal? For kosher food, the largest certification body in the country is the Kashruth Council of Canada. All kosher restaurants and meal delivery services need to be certified by this organization.

For halal food, the two largest organizations that supervise producers who follow halal practices and provide food certification are the Islamic Food and Nutrition Council of Canada and the Halal Monitoring Authority. Both organizations are located in the Greater Toronto Area.

Final words about kosher and halal meal kits Canada

Overall, we can say that many Canadians can get kosher and halal meals delivered in Canada, especially in Ontario. Other provinces have very limited availability at this time, but supply will grow with demand. We’ve seen variety increase drastically over the years and the cost of meal kits becoming more competitive. Among meal kit companies, there is currently one that delivers kosher meals, Kosher Box, and one that offers halal meal plans, Halal Plates. While Kosher Box delivers globally, Halal Plates is now available only in Ontario. Other popular meal kit delivery companies, such as HelloFreshGoodFood, and Chefs Plate offer pork-free meals and meals where meat and milk products do not mix in any way, but they are not kosher or halal certified.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Does Chefs Plate have halal meat?

Chefs Plate does not have halal meat or dedicated halal meals. It does have many vegetarian and fish options however and clearly labels all the ingredients on each recipe.

Can you get halal HelloFresh?
Where can I find halal meals Toronto?
How do I know if meal delivery services offer genuine halal meals?
Does Hello Fresh offer halal meal options in Canada?